Family Dollar Weekly Ad October 15 – 21, 2017
Family Dollar weekly ad is currently available in your local store. Family Dollar Stores Inc. is a US store chain in the United States. With over 8,000 locations in all countries, except Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington, is the second largest retailer of its kind in the United States. Family Dollar is headquartered in Matthews, a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina, employing 1,400 people. In June 2014, activist investor and principal shareholder Carl Icahn demanded that the Family Dollar be immediately available for sale.
On 28 July 2014, Dollar Tree announced that it would buy Family Dollar for $ 8.5 billion. The sale gave a disaster to the company's largest shareholder, Karl Icahn, who took his share of 9.4 percent in June 2014. On January 22, 2015, family family shareholders approved the Dollar Tree bid.
Find the latest family dollar weekly ad, weekly and solar spectacles here and find a great deal at special sales prices this week. The "Family Dollar" newest announcement for this week ranging from October 15 to October 21, 2017. And this is the weekly Dollar Dollar ad, the valid price from 10/15/2017 - 10/21/2017.